Asurin Software Developer

IPOPP 2.5 installation

IPOPP (the International Polar Orbiter Processing Package) is a free software used to process raw hdf satellite data from Suomi National Polar orbiting Partnership(SNPP), Aqua, and Terra missions. It generate tiff and png files contains sst, chlor_a, crefl_rgb files form those raw data.

How to install IPOPP

To install ipopp, you can follow the following steps:

  1. Create user ipopp.
  2. Download ipopp from nasa.
  3. You need to register an account with nasa
  4. Download
  5. Run it on your linux machine, make sure you have enough space.
  6. Uncompress DRL-IPOPP_2.5.tar.gz to ~/IPOPP of ipopp user.
  7. Run in ~/IPOPP, make sure all tests are passed except the database test. IPOPP 2.5 includes standalone mariadb and do not required pre-installed database.
  8. Run

Detailed Analysis of IPOPP Installation

To learn how ipopp works, I started with understanding ipopp installations. Here is a picture of the ipopp installation procedures started after you fire the script

IPOPP Install